Sunday, July 29, 2007

Just Getting Started

I always plan to get involved in a Christmas KAL but don't think about it until the end of October, and then it's really too late. Yeah! Maybe this will inspire me to follow through with some major Christmas knitting. I love Christmas and giving gifts, but my knitted gifts can be a bit limited by the areas in which my planned recipients live. A lot of my relatives live in temperate climates, so for many of them even wool socks aren't an option. But I love wool, so my lucky Indiana-residing sister and her family are the lucky focus of much of my knitting for this KAL. I don't have my list complete at all, but here's a start:

#1 "Trinity" sweater from A Treasury of Rowan Knits for my six-year-old niece.

I really like this pattern, and the directions have been fairly easy to follow, BUT I'm a little worried about one thing. The directions say to knit the armholes for 9 inches for every size! I just don't get it. How can the armholes be the same as for the women's size? The body itself is only 8 inches in length. Yikes!
#2 Stuffed bunny for same niece with replica of "Trinity" sweater
#3 Pirate hat from Moth Heaven's pattern that she designed for four-year-old nephew.
My sister has two other children, so I'll have to think some more about what I want to knit them, and then I think I'll focus on my own family although it's hard to surprise any of them when I'm knitting away out in the living room.

Thanks for sponsoring this, Michelle. It's great!
Karoline Knits

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