Monday, October 22, 2007

Christmas knitting is about to start


I'm excited to report that my christmas knitting is nearly here! ;-) I laugh a little because I started this whole KAL to get my rear going early.. and I supposed that late October is earlier than usual for me.. ;-)

My SIL was visiting recently and she made some 'bag' suggestions for some of my family members, so my list is going to change a tad... speaking of my list... I think I'll repost it soon...

I have one more halloween hat (A bat) to knit and some Dora Hair to attempt... the pattern seemed confusing to me... might of been the time of day to be honest... and I expect to have them both completed by the end of this week... and then onto the Christmas knits... wahoo!

How's everyone else doing...?
Monica... I want to know more about those felted clogs... are they difficult?

I'll see if I can go scrounge up my list for a re-post...

1 comment:

monnibo said...

The felted clogs turned out great. Check them out on my blog (scroll down a ways).

They were really quick to knit, especially after the first one. I used the Fiber Trends Felt Clogs pattern. It was advised to me to "just knit, don't try to understand it", and that is very good advice. It doesn't look like anything (just a blob of knitting) until it's almost done.

I like that the soles are reinforced for extra wear and tear. I also bought some plastic paint to put on the soles for traction ("PlastiDip" which is used for tool handles) in lieu of the suede sew-on soles.

I would definitely recommend this pattern!